Register for the conference here.


Pronounced sur-kee-pah, The Southeast Regional Conference of Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous currently serves the geographic A.A. region that includes:

Alabama, Antigua, Arkansas, Bahamas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, U.S. Virgin Islands, Virginia, and West Virginia

The conference is held annually, usually during the months of summer.


SERCYPAA., the Southeastern Regional Conference of Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous, was started in Chattanooga, Tennessee in 1974. The Conference immediately became a traveling conference; recovering A.A.’s could present a bid that would hopefully bring the Conference to their own state within the Southeast region. The Conference then was held in Atlanta, Georgia in 1975. The third SERCYPAA was awarded to Birmingham, Alabama, but never transpired. The Conference became inactive for six years.

A similarly named conference, the Southern Regional Young People’s Conference of Alcoholics Anonymous, began in 1981 in Atlanta, Georgia. Its organizers intended to host the conference in Atlanta until attendance and finances were stable enough to become a traveling conference; that conference collapsed due to financial problems. Little is known of SERCYPAA’s history from 1985 to 1988.

In 1989, SERCYPAA was reestablished when it was held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The next SERCYPAA was held in conjunction with Florida State Young People’s Conference in Jacksonville, Florida. It became its own entity again when Memphis, Tennessee received SERCYPAA in the summer of 1990. SERCYPAA has continued steadily as an annual traveling conference since 1989.

Past Host Cities

April1974Chattanooga, Tennessee

1975Atlanta, Georgia
August1976Birmingham, Alabama
August1981Atlanta, Georgia
August1982Atlanta, Georgia
August1983Atlanta, Georgia
May1984Atlanta, Georgia
January1989Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
May1990Jacksonville, Florida
July1991Memphis, Tennessee
July1992Warwick, Bermuda
August1993Augusta, Georgia
June1994Birmingham, Alabama
April1995Arlington, Virginia
June1996Charlotte, North Carolina
June1997Wilmington, North Carolina
June1998Charleston, South Carolina
August1999Louisville, Kentucky
May2000Atlanta, Georgia
May2001Cocoa Beach, Florida
July2002Columbia, South Carolina
May2003Jackson, Tennessee
July2004Reston, Virginia
July2005Memphis, Tennessee
October2006Tampa, Florida
July2007Reston, Virginia
September2008Nashville, Tennessee
September2009New Orleans, Louisiana
July2010Louisville, Kentucky
June2011Little Rock, Arkansas
July2012Olive Branch, Mississippi
August2013Baton Rouge, Louisiana
June2014Wilmington, North Carolina
August2015New Orleans, Louisiana
June2016Atlanta, Georgia
June2017St. Petersburg, Florida
July2018Charlotte, North Carolina
May2019Little Rock, Arkansas
July2021Memphis, Tennessee
June2022Baton Rouge, Louisiana
July2023Dallas, Texas
August2024Norfolk, Virginia
July2025Charleston, South Carolina